All it took was an email reminder to renew my domain. Well that and the tiny text that said if I do not renew they will charge me an extra $80 or something. I didn't read all the small text as it was pretty small. But I was going to have none of that penalty fees!
I have been renewing my domain for a few years now. So many years that I have lost count. The sad thing was that I originally built the website when building your own website was a clunky endeavor. I never remembered enough of the code to update it after the initial build. Then last year a customer service rep called to tell me that my website was hacked, so I just did a clean delete of everything. #GoneForever. The rep promised that through their website you could build a website, but I just never had time. But today I had fear to motivate me. Also, I knew I had limited energy and motivation, so I needed to make some quick decisions and rebuild.
It was easy to rebuild the website as all my artwork jpegs have been stored meticulously over the years. And today's build-your-own-websites come with themes, point-and-click tools, and youtube video instructions. Gone are the days of coding and reading manuals. Of course, in this uber helpful environment, the online help guide did not teach me enough to get the hyperlinks to work on one of the pages. The page is deleted for now, because the goal is to finish the website today. I can worry about improving it later.
The website builder recommended to enable the blog capabilities on my new website. I thought, "Why not?" If not necessarily for anyone but me. It would be cool to catalog my thoughts as I attempt to transition back into more proactive art. And in today's world my thoughts should not be kept to myself, but need to be shared in the virtual world with others. These other readers [maybe you, if you have gotten this far] are searching for something online that can be found in blogs. Maybe it's to learn, to find motivation, or it could be as simple as curiosity. Nevertheless, this is for me first and for you second.
First blog post on new website. Not bad for a random cold spring afternoon.